Workout Wednesdays

Get Motivated

Welcome back to another Workout Wednesday. I’ve been sharing different workouts to with you the past couple of weeks. Let’s be honest, sometimes it’s difficult to have self motivation when it comes to working out. There are some things you can do though to make it easier to get up and get moving!

Create a schedule
– Instead of thinking about when you are going to work out the day of, create a schedule the week before. You’re more inclined to stick to a plan when it’s scheduled on your calendar and in your phone.


Get a partner- Making going to the gym something that you do with someone else means that you are being depended on. If you cancel a session, it isn’t just with yourself. You’ll be cancelling on someone else who expects you to be there.


Pack your bag- Having your bag packed for the gym the night before makes it easy to grab and go. Whether you are going after work/school or early in the morning before your day starts, having a packed bag is one less thing that you have to do.


Have a mantra- Pick a saying that pumps you up. Sport movies usually have some good ones like “Clear eyes, full heart, can’t lose” from Friday Night Lights. Having a positive mantra that you can tell yourself repeatedly will not only motivate you, but get you to believe in what you are saying.


Mix it up- It’s easy to get comfortable with something that you like and continuing to do it. Try switching up your routines and workouts! Use the bike, treadmill, elliptical, and outside for all different types of cardio. This prevents you from getting bored of the same old routine.

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Track your progress- Seeing progress take place is a great way to motivate yourself! Whether you are seeking a goal in weight loss, training for an event, or trying for a team it is good to track your hard work along the way. Seeing your progress will either encourage you to keep going or motivate you to work harder and see more results.


Jam out- Turn up the tunes! Listening to music is definitely encouraged. Not only can music help get you motivated to go to the gym, but it helps to keep you pumped up to drive and push through your workout. Make a playlist that gets you excited to listen to!


Join classes- If your gym offers classes, sign up! So many different types of classes are offered that you may find you really like and want to do regularly. Signing up for a class requires your accountability to be there. Classes are also nice because you just have to show up! They provide the workout and the motivation!


Self motivation can be difficult, but it’s mind over matter! Think about the goal you are trying to achieve and take these tips into consideration. Prom is quickly approaching, so who wouldn’t want to look their best for those pictures? Use any motivation you can and get moving! And remember, you are still lapping everyone on the couch.Go get ‘em!


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